Recruiting Using The Internet | VivaMK
Many people these days turn to the internet when they are looking for work so are you recruiting using the internet?
Once upon a time when we wanted to know something we would reach for an encyclopaedia, the telephone directory in order to call somebody, or the local newspaper for the advertisements but now, we live in a digital age!
People want information and they want it now.
So where do they go … yep, you guessed it, the internet!
Where would we be without good old Google!
Most people will now go online to find whatever it is they are looking for.
They want to do this at a time that is convenient to them and mostly wanting to do this without the pressure of having to speak to someone.
So how can you take advantage of this when the internet is 24/7 but as human beings we are not!
Recruiting using the Internet is 24/7
Well we have the Team Summit information website …
Some people hold back from sponsoring because they do not know what to say to people or maybe don’t have the confidence to explain things.
Well this is a fabulous site, full of information, that explains things for you.
But it sends the interested party back to the person who sent them there.
So if your advertising sends people straight to this site they will not know who to contact you.
You will need to include your contact details on the advertisement as well and then there is always that fear they may call you for a chat before they know anything and then what do you say … I prefer people to know something first so I know they are interested to some extent and not just a time waster!
And if someone answers your advertisement say at midnight, will you be awake to speak with them and tell them how to join?
Those night owls amongst you probably will be I realise that …
but I know I won’t be as I have a full time job and have to get my beauty sleep of course, as you can see LOL
You see once they know it is VivaMK they may go and Google VivaMK and find someone who tells them how to get registered there and then.
… like me
So if you do not want to advertise your contact details only a website how can you ensure they know who you are?
How can you make sure YOU get them started while they are hot hot hot ?
Well firstly you need to know when someone is looking
and then you want to be telling them how to join YOU if they want to start there and then.
As some people will just join there and then without speaking to you first believe me!
But how can you do all that while you sleep or while you are at work?
Using tools on the internet of course
Using what are called lead capture pages or as they are otherwise known landing pages
Recruiting using the Internet via Lead Capture Pages / Landing Pages
Your advertising can point people to your lead capture page so you can capture their details and know that they are looking
Once you have their details you then have the means to follow-up on their interest
… you’ve probably heard it said the money is in the follow-up
By capturing their email address on your lead capture page you can use what is called an autoresponder to send an email to the lead immediately to give them the information they are looking for now.
They don’t want to have to wait for you to call them or manually email them before they find out more, they are looking now, they want to know now!
After all, if you don’t give them the information now someone else will!
And to make sure they join YOU if they want to get started the email you send can now include your personalized sponsoring link.
There are many ways to set all this up online as some of you, like me, will already have your own websites and email autoresponders
But for those who do not, fear not! as here in team summit here’s one we prepared earlier ..
This is a Wix website offers its users a free website option
But I don’t know how to setup a website page I hear you say … but don’t panic
the team lead capture page template can be easily copied over to you so you are not having to set this up from scratch.
Simply go and click Sign In (top right corner)
Click on New To Wix? Sign Up to setup a new account
Top Tip:
When you complete your details choose your username carefully as this is the prefix to your website link name
Once you have an account setup let your sponsor know the email address you used for your account and they can arrange to have the team capture page copied across to you.
Email Autoresponders
So your lead capture page will have a capture form on it which when submitted gives you the email address to send information to immediately.
These emails can all be setup through the customer management section on Wix, under automations.
Click on the ‘Thank visitors for contacting you’ automation to add as many or as few emails of your choosing
Clearly not everyone will join straight away so the great thing is you can set the autoresponder to send a second email the next day, a third email a week later and even a fourth email a month after as a further nudge.
So your emails can give your lead …
a link to the team information site, VivaMKToday.Info or to whatever information you want to share with them at this time as I’m sure some of you will already have your own source of information.
along with all your contact details, as some people will call you before you get the chance to call them if they have any questions.
The emails can also have links to all your social media profiles so you can style your email to reflect your business branding so everywhere they then go and see your brand it rings a bell that they’ve seen you before.
Emails you have setup will then appear in the My Automations tab
Domain Names
Finally, your Wix capture page gives you a website name to use on your advertising but this can be lengthy for someone to have to key in … so you may want to think about investing in what is called a domain name …
something like onlinewithlesley, asklesley, asklesleyhow, joinlesley
You can buy domain names from google domains, ionos, godaddy, 123-reg and many more
Once you have a domain you can forward it to your wix webpage.
You can then advertise with a shorter, more user-friendly, website name
So this is how I do my recruiting using the Internet … I’ve had people join me whilst I’ve been asleep and also whilst I’ve been sat at work. I call that a Result!
Now you just need to generate the leads to send to your lead capture page
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