Do You Have All Your Eggs In One Basket ?
Do you have all your eggs in one basket by only having only one source of income?
We go through schooling as a child and are encouraged to get a good education so as to be able to pursue a good career. So we take our exams and we get ourselves a job, but what if that job comes to an end?
In the current climate many companies are having to make cutbacks following the Coronavirus Pandemic. Will you find yourself a casualty of this?
Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket
We are encouraged to get ourselves a good job with a good wage so we can live a good life, and many people do.
But what if it all comes to an end?
Companies restructure, companies make people redundant to cut costs, and sometimes your position with a company just doesn’t work out for one reason or another.
How long could you survive if your job income came to an end tomorrow?
I have been made redundant, I have had a home business come to an end, so I know what it is like to lose my income. This is what has taught me the importance of having multiple income streams.
Spread your eggs across multiple baskets
Some families find themselves in need of an extra income to supplement their job wages, maybe to pay for a weekly take out or a special family trip out.
The majority of the population however find themselves in a position where they rely on just one income stream.
Juggling life and work can be tricky enough, so thinking of multiple income streams can be overwhelming for many.
Finding something that is flexible, without any pressure, that can fit around your current commitments can be a challenge.
There are so many ‘work from home’ opportunities and of course some are scams.
So how do you choose what to do?
You need to find something that involves doing something you enjoy, then it will not feel like a chore but more like a hobby.
Thankfully I discovered Network Marketing back in 1995 and have worked a home based business ever since. Some of the time being employed aswell, I have had to juggle life, work and business, so I know what it takes.
Having been employed and self-employed the freedom ‘being your own boss’ brings is the best, but you do need the self-discipline to ensure you do not just sit around doing nothing.
I now have three home businesses, as well as a full time job. I have one business where I setup websites for clients, I have an Avon business and also a VivaMK business.
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